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by Last updated May 26, 2020

You want to be more productive,  right?

Produce more output in what you are doing?

Deliver more results than you ever thought possible?

Perhaps, you figured out that by being more productive you’ll increase your earning potentials.


You do not only want to be more productive but also join the group of people that become productive.

In this post, we’ll be discussing how to tap into three powerful resources to make you more productive.

But first, let me bring you what makes Christine Carter more productive.

Christine Carter, author of the “sweet spot,”  Spends more of her day either cooking for pleasure, taking a leisure walk or laying down on the bed. Yet, she accomplishes more than we can imagine with the little time she allocates to her job.

How does she do it?

According to her, the time she spends lazing around makes her more productive. Because she slacks strategically – meaning she takes breaks, in a regular interval, in a way that sharpens her focus when she goes about her job. And this, to a large extent has increased the amount and quality of work she gets done.

Let’s see why she claims slacking makes her more productive.

Her slacking time is a time she takes her rest, de-clusters her brain from the activities contending for attention in it, and build up the fresh energy to conquer great tasks.

Many of us will agree her method is not unwise.

The human system is designed with limits in place. There’s a limit to the amount of effective work you can do in a day.

Engage in a mix of activities during the day, like Christine Carter. This will takes the tension of work away from you, and the result will be a fresh zeal to infuse into the job.

It’s not a coincidence that some people work less and achieve more. It boils down to being able to maximise three essential resources that make you more productive: time, talent and energy.


Time is a non-renewable resource that we often misuse and manage poorly. Effective time management will make you more productive.

For most people, the morning time is the most productive time of the day. How you spend your morning time sets the pattern for your productivity for the rest of the day.

The morning time is the time when you are most alert and have not depleted your energy. This is true for me because I found I’m most alert in the mornings time just getting out of bed.

Michael Mankins, coauthor of Time, Talent, Energy, in an effort to find out how companies can increase productivity discovered that some companies are 40% more productive than the rest.


Between the hours of 8 o’clock in the morning on Monday and 10 AM on Thursday, the more productive companies can complete as much work—as the rest do in the remainder of the week. In other words, what the more productive company can achieve working in the morning time in four days, others will do it the whole week or beyond.

Of course, they’re still working all day Thursday and all day Friday, and the result is that they can produce much more for the customer. Not only that, they also generate increased revenue that will secure shareholders equity investments.

There is something fascinating about the morning. This period is when the day is still quiet, all you hear is the chirping of birds or the rising of the sun that gives it its magical appeal.

If you really want to be more productive, handle your most important task in the early hours of the morning.

Design a morning routine that isn’t a chore or a burden to you.

My recommendation is, to be honest, and design your routine the way it works best for you – Make it inspiring. For example, create a routine like this: wake up 5 am, have your quiet time (if you care), make breakfast by 6 am, eat breakfast at 6:30 a.m. At 7.00 am, you’re set to start work…

Hey, don’t criticize! You may not agree with this arrangement.The bottom line is, have a routine.

Of course, your routine must be an arrangement you can stick to overtime.

I like handling my most important task in the morning time because my focus is clear at that time, and I’m able to think deep, which generate creative ideas in me.

Find out your most productive time and handle your critical jobs at that time.

I love writing contents for my blog – theonlinecompass.com early in the morning when my concentration and energy level is at its peak.

However, the morning time may not be the best for you. Yours may be in the night when everyone is fast asleep. Or perhaps, you prefer the evening periods.

Figure out your most productive time and get the best results for your resources.


To be more productive use the right talents for your job – whether you are employing or outsourcing – and endeavour to acquire the right skills you need yourself.  

Get top talents for jobs that are critical. Take for example, the position of the front desk officer in a company, if the staff on the job is not skilled enough to handle people, you’ll soon find out you are losing a lot of business opportunities.

Also, your employees are the talents that drive your business, deploy them to where they are most effective.

HOW TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE and avoid burn out
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In furtherance of the above, Micheal Mankins and his team concluded that employee’s productivity is more of inspiration than perspiration. And, an inspired worker gets more done than a talented worker.

This is further buttressed by a study done by economists at the University of Warwick found that happiness led to a 12% increase in productivity while unhappy workers proved 10% less productive.

Based on this is, it’s productive for you and your team to be inspired.

Apart from scientific proof, this stands to reason and passes the test of common sense. An inspire worker has a lot working for him to make him more productive: enthusiasm, drive and focus. The positive emotion leads to a positive effect on productivity.

In addition, Shawn Anchor, author of The Happiness Advantage, has found that the brain works much better when a person is feeling positive. Don’t engage in something you’re not happy doing, you’ll be unproductive.

How do you inspire yourself and the people around you to be more productive?

According to Gallup, high engagement results in higher employee retention, not to mention 21% higher productivity and 22% higher profitability!

We all want to get this kind of result. Right?


So, what do we make out of this statistics?

First thing is to Create an environment that fosters engagement. In other words, an environment that is inspiring. Most people can’t work effectively in an environment that’s not conducive.

Set a solid foundation for your employees and those you outsource your work to, to achieve a higher level of engagement by getting them acquainted with your company’s mission and values, work processes, your brand style and the overall culture of your business.

Help your employee to acquire new skills and develop on what they have already. Support their ongoing development by setting up specialized in-house training sessions, informing them of online classes of interest…

Encourage your team to speak up about what’s working and what’s not, making them active participants in shaping your business processes and culture.

And finally, appreciate your team by profit sharing, making them part of equity shares, a raise in salary or promotion is a good incentive to encourage them to do more.

A thank you for a job well done to your team is one of the biggest inspirational methods to be more productive.

I have talked about how to inspire your team. But how do you inspire yourself?

Your goals and objectives are principally what inspires you; Once you’re determined to meet your set targets, seeking ways to work smart comes naturally to you.

Above all, Reward yourself for a job well done!

What have you done so far to be more productive? Share with us in the comment below.

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