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Tested Pinterest Group Boards For Free Massive Blog Traffic

by Last updated May 26, 2020

300+Pinterest group boards free download

Get this ultimate list of 300 + Pinterest group boards


My exclusive Pinterest group board invite request email message.


Let’s face it, a lot of people get pissed off about a lot of things in Pinterest marketing. They put in everything they can to find and join Pinterest group boards to no avail.

Maybe you think differently…

Ummm….. I get it.

Your case is different. You hate to think of the time and energy you ’ll have to expend to find the right Pinterest group boards to join. And you wished somebody could put everything together for you.

Fortunately, this post is a wish come true for you.

Ohooo…this isn’t your case?

Perhaps, you have been struggling to get followers on Pinterest to enable you to get traffic to your site. And for your relentless effort, all you have been able to get are few followers.

“Don’t worry, be happy” as the song goes.

Pinterest group boards will help you get massive traffic to your site even when your followers are a handful.

I have put together a staggering list of Pinterest group boards by niche for you to join and explode your blog traffic. It’s an everything done for you. In it, you have over 300+ list of Pinterest group board by niche. Such as ENTREPRENEUR, TRAVEL, FOOD, PARENTING, DIY, HOME DECOR, FITNESS AND HEALTH, SOCIAL MEDIA, RECIPE, FINANCE, CHRISTIAN GROUP, QUOTES, HAIR AND BEAUTY, ETSY, AND MOM GROUP BOARDS.


For those who don’t know what a Pinterest group board is. It’s a collaborative board owned by a pinner who has given permission to other pinners to pin on the board. To join these boards, you have to request an invite from the owner of the board. If an invite is granted, the owner will include you in the group.

In some cases, members can bring collaborators to the group based on the rules set by the board owner.

Pinterest group boards have rules, and you have to obey everything to avoid being kicked out.


                  PIN IT

Benefits of Pinterest group boards

  •  Pinterest group boards is a great way to increase your pin exposure and website traffic. By posting relevant content on a group board you get more exposure.

And if you strategically incorporate pin group board into your Pinterest strategy, you can reap its many benefits. When you collaborate with Pinterest group boards, you can get a large traffic to your website or blog.  


Because it’s an excellent way to .get free exposure to a large audience.

  • Like I mentioned before, Group board are helpful, particularly when you have only a handful of followers. You don’t have to worry about your pins not getting enough shares. Interestingly, any pin you add to a group board appears in the home feed of your followers and that of the thousands of followers of the group board members.

Everything has a story right?

I’ll use my self as an example here. I have few followers on Pinterest, but I discover to my amazement, I get a lot of shares when I post my content to group boards on Pinterest.  And, this translates to good site traffic for me.

Pro tips: What I do is to post most of my content to group boards, instead of my boards which have few followers.

  • Talking about content curation and blog post ideas. Pinterest group boards have everything in your niche. Imagine how many topics are pinned on the group board every day. It’s such a great place to get ideas to fill up your content calendar. Avail yourself of this opportunity. No more staring at the ceiling. The ideas are not there. Look at Pinterest group boards.

Leveraging the power of Pinterest group boards is a smart Pinterest marketing strategy.

It’s time for you to get my staggering list of Pinterest group boards to join. I have also included the email I use to request invite to a group. Get everything for free here…..

In putting this ultimate list together, I consider the quality of the board to make sure they will not be hurting your pins. In addition, these boards are not “the pin everything and anything kind.” They are boards that are dedicated to a particular niche and most of them are even sub-niche board. The point here is to read the rules and pin what is relevant.

Hope you grab the opportunities on Pinterest group boards to explode your blog traffic.

Have not signed up for it yet?
It’s over 300 Pinterest group board list by niche + the exact email message I use to get invites to group boards.
Get everything here

Omg, it can be crazy trying to pin manually 24 -30  times a day. You virtually won’t have the time for any other thing. I actually did this for 2 months, and the cost far outweighed the benefit.

Tailwind app is Pinterest approved scheduling tool

For one thing, I stop writing on my blog. At a time, I was so stressed from not only pinning non-stop but also from the thoughts of “the opportunity cost of my action.”

Amazingly, The real game changer for me on Pinterest and blog growth was when I  started implementing tailwind Pinterest scheduler in my Pinterest strategies. Read More…

Ultimate list of 300+ PINTEREST-GROUP-BOARDS


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