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The secret to unstoppable business success.

by Last updated Jan 12, 2022

Have you ever wondered, what makes people wake up before the sun rises in the morning to get a head start on their business.

Knocking out task when others are still in a spell – cast like sleep or in Slumberland?

They get so excited and can’t wait to begin work every day?

They also continue work the whole day on their business… But are smart enough not to let other parts of their lives suffer – full night rest – for maximum productivity.

I have seen people start their business and park it up in no time.

I have also seen some others jump at every business idea that comes their way.

What could be responsible for this?

Think about it.

The reason is simple…. Passion.

It makes the difference between failure and success.

Those that are excited to work on their businesses love what they do, and don’t really think about it as work

As a result their hard work is evident in their business success.

Passion is the necessary or key ingredient in your business success.

So, what is passion?

Simply put, passion is an intense enthusiasm or desire for anything.

Most entrepreneurs have pointed to passion as a major contributory factor to their business success.

It’s okay to reason that everyone in business wants to make success of it. However, success is fueled by the zeal you have for what you’re doing.

Until you do something that inspires you, you cannot make people buy into your business.

Regardless of what people say their motive is for coming into business, the ultimate goal of any business man is to make money.

Therefore, you cannot inspire people to spend money in your business until you’re inspired.

Passion cannot be underplayed in your business given that you’re likely to spend more time on your business than anything else.

And as such, you need continuous energizing and not depletion which passion provide bountifully.

How do you discover your passion?

We’ve head different stories about how people discovered their passions.

Some said, “they just knew it when they were very little.”

Others said, ‘They found their passion by mastering their skills.”

But, Steve Jobs – founder of Apple computer- had this to say just before his death.

“It is in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing,” he said.

This is a profound statement that’s worth meditating on.

Steve Jobs was a man that pursued diverse interest. He dropped out of school and decided to take calligraphy class instead.


He didn’t see the benefit of taking the class then, other than, it fascinated him.

But ten years later when he was designing the Macintosh computer, the knowledge he acquired in calligraphy came back to him.

What Steve Jobs was passionate about was not computers per se, any more than it was calligraphy.

He designed the first personal computer with beautiful typography- Mac.

Steve Job’s passion.

Notice that, What Steve Jobs was passionate about was not computers per se, any more than it was calligraphy.

Rather, what made “his heart sing” was designing tools to help people unleash their creativity.

This was what he liked.

It’s little wonder, he invented iPhone.

So, the question is, “what makes your heart sing?”

“What makes you heart sing” is your passion.

It’s what you think about when you wake up and when you go to bed.

Your passion is like a flame that burns within you.

It drives you to achievement regardless of how tough the task is.

A prime example is mountain climbing.

Mountain climbing is an extremely tough task, yet mountain climbing enthusiasts will do anything to attain such a feat as climbing the most dangerous mountain, even in the deadliest winter.


Because the mountain is their world of passion.

“Passion keeps you going in the face the most challenging conditions”

Walt Disney, an inspiring example of passion

Think of the far reaching consequences set in motion by men and women who decided to pursue their passion.

History chronicles the inspiring examples of people who took the magnificent powerful step of pursuing their passion.

An example is Walt Disney. He was intrinsically motivated because art was his passion from young age.

He began drawing, painting and selling pictures to neighbors and family friends in his childhood.

Through his passion he created mickey mouse and Disneyland and won 22 Academy Awards.

Equally worth mentioning, is the fact that Walt Disney was in his pre- success days fired from his job in a newspaper house for “lacking ideas and imagination.”

Disney’s films have been highly praised, very popular and commercially successful over time.

“Imagine he did not follow his passion – what would the world have been without Disney world.

”Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and happiness, and excitement, and anticipation. It’s a powerful force in accomplishing anything you set your mind to in life.

Many at time, you may not realize your passion immediately, and so have to work hard to find it.

You may discover your Passion as you acquire knowledge in a particular area.

Over the learning curve period you’ll discover some deep secrets that become valuable to you.

And as such, you can’t do without them anymore.

To help you better understand what I’m saying, let’s use this analogy.

Mr James gets a job in a firm, and few months after his employment Miss Sarah got employed as well in the same firm.

As it turn out, Mr James met Miss Sarah and got interested in her. But he doesn’t know anything about her yet.

Some of us may have to take the step taken by a man to find his beloved wife.

Let’s use an analogy

A typical scenario (fictious names are used)

Mr James gets a job in a legal firm few months after his employment, Miss Sarah got employed as well. As it turn out, Mr James met Miss Sarah and got interested in her. But he doesn’t know anything about her yet.

However, with continuous interaction, he gets to know her better.

When the relationship was just beginning to blossom, he get transferred to another city.

But, because he enjoys her company, he travels long distance every weekend- bearing the cost of the trip with joy- so he can get to be with her.

With the overwhelming thoughts of Miss Sarah filling his heart day and night, he could no longer deny that he had fallen love with her and could not do without her.

And finally he decided to marry her.

This may not be your typical award winning story like that of Jackie Collins that screams “No 1 Best seller” on the front. But we have a few lessons on passion to learn from this story.

Like Mr James you may not realize at first were your passion lies.

Unfortunately, some of us may have to work a little harder to find it. Like Mr James.

What have you found that interest you? What are you skilled at? What motivates you? Who motivates you? Do you have a hobby or an interest somewhere? Put in some time and energy like Mr James to find out if you actually have a passion for it.

Many people have found their passion this way, and have turned it into big businesses.

To be totally honest, I did not have any passion for the online business when I started. I heard about it, and I was interested in it. But did I have a passion for it?


What I had was interest.

My interest stems from what I gathered about it. I learnt I could become a business owner- which was my desire – with little startup capital. That was just enough motivation for me.

With this, I started studying those that have made it successfully in the business.

What I found was very remarkable. I discovered that the more I became knowledgeable in it, the more I liked it. And the more I liked it, the more I wanted to commit more to it.

Today, it has become the core of my being. It has totally filled my mind. As a matter of fact, I’ve grown to have so much passion for my business, that I can’t imagine leaving or doing something else.

What’s more, passion is so powerful in business the many other successful areas become an offshoot of it.

In the case of Steve Jobs iPhone was an off- shoot of his passion.

Additionally, Passion is something you commit to doing even if you’ve probably not gotten a kiss yet in return like the case of Mr James and Miss Sarah.

Hey, does this sound like you?

“Even if I wasn’t going to get paid, I’ll still do it anyway.”

Now, that’s your passion!

And guess what? You’ll definitely get paid and make success out of it if you know how to channel it the right way.

If you’re pursuing what you don’t have passion for, you’ve already sabotaged yourself.

Because you’ll be lacking the sense of certainty that allows you to tap into the deepest capacity within you to excel.

How much do you think successful business men like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs…, would have accomplished have they not worked hard, have they not relied on their passion.

Arguably, it was passion plus hard work that enabled them to overcome challenges that would have swayed a less committed man on their journey to business success.


Passion makes you to be creative and innovative in running your business. To put it more specific, it helps you to come up with good ideas and implementation strategies to drive your business to success.

As anybody who knows anything about business- online business- knows only too well, it’s hard enough to get things done at all, let alone to drive it to success.

To make success in business you got to find what your love like Steve jobs said.

Your passion in business is what drives you to strive and attain excellence.

“And only excellence gets a profit.”

 “Until you’re passionate about what you’re doing, you’ll only become a mediocre in business”.

Unleash your potentials @ toc!

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