The best blog post ideas to make you never run out of topics
It can be quite frustrating when you’re thinking of writing a new blog post and you have no idea what to write about. This is a huge barrier to get over, isn’t it?
Ironically, there are a thousand and one people out there that have more blog post ideas to write than they have time for.
So one would wonder, “How do they do this?”
One person is full of blog post ideas ready to bust out while the other is deflated like an orange that has been thoroughly squeezed out and is ready to be thrown away with no ideas.
Coming up with blog post ideas is not rocket science.
There are strategies that you put in place not to ever run out of blog post ideas.
Today’s post is to give you my strategies for getting consistently good blog post topics.
It might interest you to know that I have a list of blog post ideas that I have written out to work on for the next 6 months. I believe that after reading this post, you will be able to do the same, if not outdo me.
Where I store my blog post ideas
I keep my ideas in the Trello app. Trello is particularly good for collaborative work in developing your ideas because you can actually bring in your colleagues to collaborate with you.
For example, there are people that can help you, such as your colleagues, friends, or family. You want them to look at the ideas because you want to see them from their angle.
In my case, whenever I do this, I take whatever improvement I am offered and I immediately go to Trello and add to what I have. When new ideas come, I like to build on them.
You can also write down your ideas in Google Docs. Unfortunately, this can’t beat the flexibility and efficiency of the trello app. I get blog post ideas every day and anytime.
Often, when I come up with blog post ideas, I watch my husband. When he’s not busy, I bring up the topic for discussion.
And do you know what? His contributions often help me to finetune my writing.
With that said, I want to take you through the strategies I use to consistently come up with blog post ideas.
Strategies I use for getting loads of blog post ideas every day
#1. Read every day
Before I proceed further, I want you to know that good writing comes from experience. There are different ways to get experience. You may get experience by reading, or by being directly involved in the act.
The way I get my experience is by reading. If you read constantly, you’ll always have ideas to blog about.
Most writers don’t understand that 99% of good works of literature come from experience—whether it’s a painful experience or a good experience. For you to have blog ideas, you must have good eyes for all kinds of subjects in your niche.
Be ready to get your gears on and be ready to read all the time, and have your eyes and ears opened to new ideas.
I promise you, my dear friend, as you read more and get s
Before I proceed further, I want you to know that good writing comes from experience. There are different ways to get experience. You may get experience by reading, or by being directly involved in the act. oaked in your niche, you’ll find good ideas to write about.
Now, content marketing has been found to be the biggest driver of blog success in the blogging industry, and honestly, coming up with blog post ideas is not rocket science like I said before.
You don’t come up with ideas by accident. I deliberately do it. So, I expect you to be diligent in this regard to get consistent blog ideas.
Whatever I’m doing, especially when studying resources in my niche, I’m conscious (even while listening or watching the news or business programs on the radio or TV), I may get blog post ideas.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you need reading experience to come up with blog post ideas. When you read you get a lot of values to transfer to your readers. Learn all you can about your niche.
Reading is always a great source of inspiration for a new blog post.
#2. You have to cultivate the habit of taking notes.
Thanks to technological advancement, we can take notes on the move. I take notes on my phone using the notepad app, which I assume most users of smartphones have.
I also take notes on Google Docs. But if I want to go really good and keep my blog work, I go for Trello.
“Ideas don’t last forever.” I heard ideas have a short life span.
I particularly use trello for creating my ideas, anytime I get a new post idea i create a trello card, and research it further. If I come up with something new, I add it to the card.
This actually helps it to get better. By doing, this idea may change completely.
You see, reading is very important for coming up with blog post ideas.
You can’t think beyond what you know neither can you write beyond the level of your knowledge.
#3. Go to Pinterest.
I love going to Pinterest. Essentially, what you do is to search for your niche to get blog post ideas. Once you get ideas, save them to a secret board on Pinterest.
For example, if you are in the food niche, Pinterest will tell you what to write about. Because the first thing you see when you do a search on Pinterest is that at the top bar you will see a suggestion giving you different keywords for that niche.
Now, when you click on any of those suggestions, you’re going to see varying kinds of posts that have been written.
You can then pick topics that are of interest to you. With this, you can’t run short of blog post ideas.
When you get topics on Pinterest, you can rewrite the topic from your own angle, there is no need to copy and paste somebody else’s post it won’t do your blog any good.
For you to be seen as credible in the blogging sphere, only take a topic and redo it in a better way, give your opinion on the topic.
With that out of the way, there are actually places you can find what works for others.
A very popular way to do this to use buzzsumo Buzzsumo will give you different topics in your niche from people sites.
As an illustration, if you’re interested in writing about content for blogger, you may pick an influencer in that niche and enter his URL into buzzsumo.
Buzzumo will give you the details of the post on that site. You can immediately pick great blog post ideas from this blog by picking the ones with the highest social shares – which is indicative of how well the reader’s like the post.
Need I say more? You can adapt the topics you see in buzzsumo.
Ensure you don’t steal somebody else work. It’s not good for your image. Work on it like I said before, give it your own style.
Running a URL through buzzsumo gives you uncountable blog post ideas to write.
For example, If you are giving me blog post ideas to write about in a niche that’s not mine, there’s no way I’ll deliver good content to my readers.
Ideas that’ll not solve the problems of your readers and foster a good relationship with your readers will in no way prosper your blog.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you can’t be guided, but to be given the specific topics can be counter productive.
For instance, I have a guide here for you to come up with as many topics as you wish. This is a simple DIY guide to come up with blog topics that suits your readers regardless of the niche you are in. With this, you’ll never run out of ideas. Get it here!
You can find what is trending in your niche.
This bring us to the next strategy for blog post ideas which is,
In addition, it will show you the country where this is most trending. So, for your niche, you are able to get trending blog post ideas to write trending articles.
What Google understands is good content + the right keyword + proper SEO. We do not, however, want to overstuff keywords on our blog post.
So, keyword is good – it tells you what people are searching for. You can use it to monitor people’s search habits when searching for blog post ideas.
Therefore, the best thing for you to do is to take the key from google search and plug it into KEYWORDTOOL.IO
Pick one of the searches that you like or pick several if you can work with them.
Then you go to your trello and record it.
Find the next holiday that is coming up and plan the post ahead of time. You must definitely try to come up with a minimum of 2-holiday post because it’s a great way to capitalise on searches and social media.
You can actually create more post ideas from that particular post.
There is something about being in these communities. It’s a great source of inspiration for blog post ideas. A lot of questions keep coming up here. Look out for the questions that keep coming up.
These are possible blog post ideas that will do well because already people are curious about it.
Find a subreddit that is relevant to your blog, you’ll find blog post ideas.
At least get something beautiful from the email you get sent every day. Sometimes you even get unsolicited ones (spams). If it’s related to what your blog’s about, pick an idea from it and dress it up in your own form.
And when you go to the comment section of your blog, one post can actually give you several other post ideas.
You don’t only have to restrict it to your blog alone. Go to other people’s blog to read, and take note of what is being shared in the comment section.
I like it Eki. I snag tons of ideas from blog comments, emails and social media chats. Folks bring the ideas right to my table, or door front. This happens for everybody really. You just need to be aware of these idea problems and turn those suckers into blog posts. Thanks for sharing!
Hello Ryan Biddulph! I feel so honoured you visited my blog. You’ve been a great mentor to me so far on my blogging journey. Thanks a lot for your addition to the post.